Best Robot Vacuums For Carpet

The Best Robot Vacuums For Carpet of (Summer) 2022: Buying Guide

If you’re looking for the Best Robot Vacuums For Carpet you can buy in (Summer) 2022, which is affordable, high quality and better performance, then you’re in the right place. In this guide, I have listed down the Best Robot Vacuums For Carpet in 2022.

We made this list based on our own opinion, research, and customer reviews. We’ve considered their quality, features, and values when narrowing down the best choices possible.

The Best Robot Vacuums For Carpet you can buy today.

So, here are the Best Robot Vacuums For Carpet of 2022. If you want more information and updated pricing on the products mentioned, be sure to check the links in each product we mentioned.




The Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI is the best robot vacuum for carpets we’ve tested. This high-end model has a dual-spectrum mapping system, with a LIDAR sensor for precise room mapping and a front-mounted camera that lets it see and avoid small obstacles like shoes or pet waste that would otherwise be missed by its LIDAR sensor. Its surface detection system enables it to automatically increase suction on carpets or avoid them when it’s using its mopping functionality. It delivers okay performance on low-pile carpet and does a very good job of handling solid debris and pet hair on high-pile carpet. The vacuum packs an impressive array of automation capabilities too. You can schedule cleaning sessions for specific rooms, set up virtual boundary lines and no-go zones, and even set specific cleaning settings for individual areas.

The vacuum can run for over two hours in its most potent suction mode, giving it more than enough time to clean large carpeted areas, though it takes quite a while to recharge. If that’s a major concern, the iRobot Roomba S9 is a great alternative and, within iRobot’s product lineup, the best Roomba for carpet we’ve tested. It also has fewer parts that need cleaning and has a larger dustbin that won’t need emptying as often. It lacks the Ecovacs’ real-time hazard avoidance capability and isn’t quite as effective at handling debris on high-pile carpet.


  • Automatically recognizes and avoids obstacles
  • Exceptional battery life
  • Allows for remote home monitoring with built-in camera
  • Supports virtual boundaries
  • Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice support


  • Expensive
  • Mops with water, not cleaning solution
  • Moderate learning curve
  • Auto-Empty Station is sold separately

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2. yeedi vac station

yeedi vac station
yeedi vac station


If you’re looking for a slightly more affordable robot vacuum that performs well on carpets, the yeedi vac station is worth considering. While it lacks the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI’s dual sensor navigation system and can’t spot and react to hazards like pet waste in real-time, it has a few features that are rare for a vacuum in this price bracket. Namely, its self-emptying function, which allows it to transfer debris from its internal dustbin into an external dustbin mounted to its charging dock, reducing hands-on maintenance requirements. You can also use its companion app to set up virtual boundary lines or direct the vacuum to clean specific rooms within your home. Its surface detection system also allows it to automatically increase its suction power to its ‘Max+’ mode when vacuuming carpets. It can easily climb onto high-pile rugs and delivers great performance on that surface type, though it struggles slightly with fine debris embedded in low-pile carpeting.

Unfortunately, unlike some newer vacuums like the iRobot Roomba j7+, it doesn’t have a hazard detection system that would allow it to avoid obstacles like pet waste in real-time. It means you should make sure that its cleaning area is free of any obstructions before letting it run. However, the iRobot doesn’t perform as well on carpeted surfaces.


  • Automatically empties dirt compartment into large external dirtbag.
  • Amazing maneuverability.
  • Great build quality.


  • High recurring costs.
  • Many parts need regular cleaning.
  • Inefficient mopping attachment.

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3. Neato D8

Neato D8
Neato D8


Consider the Neato D8 if you’re looking for a cheaper robot vacuum that’s effective on carpets. This robot vacuum doesn’t have the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI’s dual-sensor navigation system or the yeedi vac station’s self-emptying capability. However, it has LIDAR mapping capability at a relatively affordable price point. It lets the vacuum generate a precise map of its coverage area, meaning you can use its companion app to view its coverage area and set up virtual boundary lines the vacuum won’t cross. Unfortunately, it can occasionally get stuck around obstructions like rug tassels or electrical cords, in part due to its body’s squared-off shape. Thankfully, it does a very good job of cleaning up debris on high-pile carpet and delivers adequate performance on low-pile carpets.

This vacuum can recharge in under 100 minutes, which is very fast for a robot vacuum. However, it can run out of charge in as little as 40 minutes when used in its most powerful ‘Turbo’ suction mode, so it shouldn’t be your first choice when cleaning very large carpeted areas.


  • Strong suction power
  • Cleans corners and edges better than most of the competition
  • Quickly generates a home map
  • Supports scheduling and virtual no-go zones
  • Works with Amazon Alexa
  • Convenient customer support


  • Expensive
  • Doesn’t support targeted zone cleaning
  • Occasionally got stuck and failed to make it back to the charge base in testing
  • Doesn’t work with Google Assistant
  • Requires manual dustbin emptying

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4. yeedi K650

yeedi K650
yeedi K650


The best budget-friendly robot vacuum for carpet that we’ve tested is the yeedi K650. Despite its affordable price point, this robot vacuum does a very good job handling debris on high-pile carpet. However, it struggles a little more when clearing away debris embedded in tightly woven low-pile carpeting. Thankfully, it handles pet hair without a problem on both low and high-pile carpet, and you can easily pull out its brushroll to remove any tangled hair. It can run for about 50 minutes in its most powerful suction mode, which is fairly lengthy and makes very little noise, which is great if you’re using it around a pet that’s sensitive to loud noises.

Build quality is good, and the vacuum is small enough to fit under most tables and chairs. However, it has a fairly rudimentary navigation system compared to pricier models. It relies on random pathing to maneuver around a room, so it can miss some areas while covering others more than once.


  • Powerful suction
  • Long battery life


  • Lacks intelligent mapping and other smart features
  • Doesn’t come with a remote control

5. Roborock S7 MaxV

Roborock S7 MaxV
Roborock S7 MaxV


If you’re looking for a robot vacuum that can handle debris on bare floors and carpets, the Roborock S7 MaxV is an excellent, if pricey, option. While it offers okay overall performance on carpets, it doesn’t do as well as the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI. Thankfully, it’s a fantastic option for cleaning surfaces like hardwood or tile. One of the main advantages it carries over the Ecovacs is its impressively effective ultrasonic mopping capability, which uses vibrating pads to scrub away dried-on debris instead of a purely passive system. Its other headlining feature is the combined LIDAR and optical navigation system, which functions like the Ecovacs and allows it to both map out its coverage area with LIDAR and spot and avoid obstacles in real-time.

It’s fully compatible with Roborock’s Empty Wash Fill Dock, which not only empties its dustbin but washes its mop pads and refills the onboard water tank. This base station is expensive and pushes this vacuum into an even higher price bracket. While this vacuum has a HEPA filter, it isn’t especially effective when it comes to sealing in fine particles, which can be ejected straight out of its exhaust. It also has quite a few parts that need periodic cleaning, though that isn’t unusual for a vacuum of this type.


  • Fully compatible with self-cleaning and self-emptying base stations out-of-the-box.
  • Mopping feature is great for dealing with stains.
  • Wide array of cleaning configuration options.


  • Quite a few parts need regular cleaning when used as a standalone vacuum.
  • Incurs high recurring costs.

Michael Diasz Kirindage

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